This Endourology Academy course showcases an advanced surgical technique: Modified En-Bloc MILEP (Minimally Invasive Laser Enucleation of the Prostate), performed by Dr. Mehmet. The procedure employs a 5 o’clock incision technique with the cutting-edge Pulsed YAG Thulium Laser to achieve precision and efficiency in prostate enucleation.


Key highlights of the course include:

Patient Assessment and Preoperative Planning

  • Evaluating patient suitability for MILEP.
  • Understanding the indications and advantages of the pulsed YAG Thulium laser.

Modified En-Bloc Technique

  • Detailed explanation of the 5 o’clock incision approach for enhanced visualization and access.
  • Step-by-step demonstration of enucleation and removal of the prostate tissue.

Innovative Use of Pulsed YAG Thulium Laser

  • Precision cutting with minimal thermal damage.
  • Effective hemostasis to reduce bleeding and improve surgical outcomes.

Challenges and Solutions

  • Managing large prostate volumes with the modified technique.
  • Addressing intraoperative challenges to maintain surgical efficiency.

Postoperative Care and Outcomes

  • Insights into patient recovery, follow-up care, and complication management.

This course is an essential resource for urologists aiming to advance their skills in minimally invasive prostate surgery, leveraging cutting-edge laser technology for superior results.

Lesson1.1 Disclaimer
Lesson1.2 Introduction
Lesson1.3 Incision at Veru
Lesson1.4 3 O' Clock Incision
Lesson1.5 Extension of 5 O' Clock incision
Lesson1.6 Apical incision and release
Lesson1.7 Enucleation of Median and Right lobe
Lesson1.8 Post enucleation check
Lesson1.9 Morcellation
Project Image


Dr Mehmet Ilker Gokce

Dr. Gökce Works in Ankara University School of Medicine, Department of Urology His special area of expertise is Endourology mainly:
Percutaneous nephrolithotomy - mini PNL
Retrograde intrarenal surgery 
Endoscopy Combined Intrarenal Surgery (ECIRS)
Shock Wave Lithotripsy (SWL)

Medical School, 2000 – 2006: Hacettepe University School of Medicine, Ankara , Türkiye
Urology Residency: 2006-2011: Ankara University School of Medicine, Ankara , Türkiye
Research Fellow: June 2015 - June 2016 MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas

Dr. Gökce is an associate board member of EULIS 
Member of International alliance of Urolithiasis
Director of Supine PCNL working group of IAU
Board member of Society of Minimally Invasive Urological Surgery in Turkey

Dr. Gökce has over 100 scientific papers published in well known journals. 

The publications can be accessed:  by link

Dr. Gökce is responsible for Endourology education in the residency programme of Ankara University School of Medicine, Department of Urology. This residency programme has accreditation from the European Board of Urology. He is also a lecturer in the Ankara University school of medicine and has classes in Year III and Year V of the medical school for diseases of the urinary system, Urinary stone disease and also urinary tract infections. 

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