Basic principles of flexible ureteroscopy
Prof Dr Petrisor Geavlete teaches how to perform a successful flexible ureteroscopy. Prof Petrisor Geavlete has tremendous experience of flexible ureteroscopy and guides viewer step by step approach for a flexible ureteroscopy.
Lesson1.1 | Disclaimer | |
Lesson1.2 | Introduction | |
Lesson1.3 | Instrumentation | |
Lesson1.4 | Surgical procedure | |
Lesson1.5 | Laser setting | |
Lesson1.6 | Different methods of laser fragmentation | |
Lesson1.7 | Advantage of new laser |

Prof. Dr. Petrisor Geavlete
Academician (Full Member) – Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences
Professor of Urology, MD, PhD (graduated “magna cum laude”), first degree Romanian specialist in Urology, Chief of clinical department, Saint John Emergency Clinical Hospital, Bucharest, Romania. I supervise hundreds of student’s series in my didactic activity of more than 4o years!
National: Full Member of the Romanian Association of Urology (present), Vice-President of the Romanian Association of Urology (present), Full Member of the Romanian Association of Nephrology (2011-2017)
European Association of Urology (EAU): Full Member of the European Association of Urology (EAU) (from 1994), European Association of Urology - EAU Officers (Clinical Research Office) 2002-2004), Board member of the European Association of Urology (EAU) scientific committee - Video Committee (2005-2013), Board member of the European Society of Imaging in Urology (ESUI) (2009-2017), Associate Member of the European Association of Urology (EAU) Section of Urolithiasis (EULIS) from 2012 – present, European Association of Urology (EAU) Knowledge Base Steering Committee (2013-2015)
International: Full Member of European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Group (1992-2003), Member of L’Union Médicale Balcanique (2003-2010), Member of International Society for Sexual and Impotence Research (2004-2007), International Member of the American Association of Urology (AUA) – present, International Member of the British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS) – 2004 – 2018, Membre étranger de l’Association Française d’Urologie (AFU) – present, Full Member of the Society of Endourology – present, Clinical Research Office of the Endourological Society (CROES) URS steering committee, Board member of South-Eastern Group for Urolithiasis Research (SEGUR) – present, Urology in Emerging CountriesTM (U-Merge) - U-Merge Association (present), Full Member of the Société Internationale d’Urologie (SIU) – Romanian representative (Deputy Delegate) – present, Member of Nominating Committee of Société Internationale d’Urologie (2011-2013), Board Member (Board of Chairman and Board of Directors) of the Société Internationale d”Urologie (SIU), (2013 – 2019), Full Member of the Society of Endourology – present, Associate Member of the EAU Section of Urolithiasis (EULIS) - present, Member of International Alliance of Urolithiasis (IAU) - present
Between 2004 and 2010: nominated as one of the Faculties of the European School of Urology - ESU.
Starting with 2002: one of the Romanian PhD leading (formership). I supervise dozens of PhDs between 2002 and 2021 (19 years of such activity).
Member in the Board of Doctorate School (PhD leadership former) of the Bucharest University of Medicine (2012-2017).
November 2013: Correspondent member of the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences (Academician).
From 2017: Full member of the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences (Academician)
Author or co-author in over 1,350 papers published in journals, national and international congresses or meetings, abstract books (European Urology, European Urology Today, EAU Urosource, BJU International, Progrès en Urologie, Urology, En direct de l’AFU, European Urology Video Journal, Journal of Endourology, Urology Journal, Revista Română de Urologie, Acta Urologica Belgica, British Royal Journal of Dermatology, Archives of the Balkan Medical Union, Morphol. Embriol., Revista Română de Nephrologie, Sexual Medicine, Acta Endocrinologica, Archivos Españoles de Urologia, Chirurgia, Therapeutic Advances in Urology, Nature Reviews Urology, etc.).
Author, Co-author or Redactor in 24 books edited: Editor in Chief: Atlas of Endourology. Images and Techniques. 2006. Stone disease, 2nd International Consultation on Stone Disease-2008, Smith’s Textbook of Endourology, Edited by Arthur Smith (redactor), Gopal Badlani, Glenn Preminger, Louis Kavoussi. Wiley-Blackwell Editure, 3rd Edition, 2012. Cap. 47, Ureteroscopy Complications. Petrișor Geavlete, The Stone Handbook. EULIS Book-2013, Oster Palle, Adonian S, Assimos D, Averch T, Geavlete P, Kohjimoto Y, Neisius A, Philip J, Saita A, Shah H. Urolitiasis, evaluation, dietary factors and medical management. „Stone disease” (Editors: John Denstedt, Saad Khoury), A Joint SIU-ICUD International Consultation, September 5, 2014, Edition 2014-2015. Geavlete P. (under redaction). Handbook of Endourology, Vol. 1. Endoscopic Diagnosis and treatment in urethral pathology, Vol. 2. Endoscopic Diagnosis and treatment in prostate pathology, Vol. 3. Endoscopic Diagnosis and treatment in urinary bladder pathology, Vol. 4. Retrograde ureteroscopy, Vol. 5. Percutaneous surgery of the upper urinary tract, 5 vol, Elsevier, 2015-2016, etc.
Over 250 videos presented (first author or co-author) in national and international meetings
Faculty in over 350 meetings in National and International Congresses.
Reviewer for national and international publications: European Urology – Reviewer of the month, June 2009), Journal of Endourology, TSW Urology (the Scientific World in Urology), Urology Journal, TTMed Urology International, Uro Today International Journal, Archivos Españoles de Urologia, Therapeutic Advances in Urology, Urologia Internationalis, International Journal of Urology, Medscape Education, Journal of Endourology, Revista Română de Urologie, Revista română de Chirurgie, Journal of Medicine and Life, Hellenic Urology, etc.
Reviewer for International Congresses: European Association of Urology, Société Internationale d’Urologie, World Congress of Endourology and ESWL, etc.
60 national and international distinctions.
Granted with “Health high Order” (“Commander” grade) offered by Romanian President in 2004.