
Name: Prof Dr Emanuele Montanari
Affiliation: School of Medicine – University Milan Chair of Dept.Urology Fondazione Ca’Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico di Milano (Italy)
Emanuele Montanari has been working since 1984 in the University of Milan serving as fellow of research, associated professor and full professor of Urology. In his carreer he was the chairman from 2003 to 2016 of the Dept. of Urology of the Teaching Hospital San Paolo in Milan and from 2016 of the Dept. of Uology - Fondazione Ca’Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico of Milan. Emanuele Montanari served and serves in the Italian Society of Urology, EAU, EBU (President), EULIS (member of direction committee). From 2015 till 2021 Prof Montanari was the Chair of the School of Specialty in Urology of the University of Milan. He approached stone treatment in 1987 at the beginning of ESWL, PCNL and URS era and started to practice laparoscopy in 2000 and more recently robotics. He dedicated most of his clinical practice and research to stones ad particularly to PCNL and laparoscopy/kidney robotics. Since 2016 has a strong cooperation with pediatric surgeon for the treatment of stones in children and small children. Prof Montanari spent a lot of his efforts in studying, practicing and teaching miniaturization of PCNL and chaired workshops for SIU and EULIS organzing the 2019 EULIS Congress in Milan
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